

The Elderberry Program was created as a result of Ibu Rahayu’s message to Susila Dharma: “It is my hope that Susila Dharma take care of the spiritual needs of the elder Subud members in the United States.
With this came the realization that as our population ages, many lose contact with Subud groups and members at a time in their lives when contact is most needed.

Where are our Pioneers?


The Elderberry Program seeks to assure that Subud elders, or ‘Pioneers’ (over 75 years old) continue to be connected to the Subud Community, and their spiritual needs be provided for.

Elderberry Services

What We Do:

  • Help Elders get to Congresses under their own steam, by offering financial help towards registration and transportation.
  • Help Volunteers who are facilitating Elders to attend latihan or gatherings, by offsetting some of their expenses.
  • Connect Elders to Volunteers in their area who are willing to help Elders attend latihan and gatherings.

Please contact an Elderberry Regional Representative in your area, or Rosetta Narvaez, to find out more.


To complete and submit a Voucher for reimbursement, please go to the Forms page. 

We are always in need of additional help and suggestions from those who are familiar with the project.  Please keep in touch with us!