
Subud Elders sitting in circle

Marilyn Shirk, team member, and Mardiyah Tarantino, Founder, give an overview of Elderberry to Portland members December, 2015

Elderberry is made up of a Board of Directors, and Representatives from each region of Subud USA. Because of the size of each region, more than one Representative is often needed.

Mardiyah Tarantino, Founder

Rosetta T. Narvaez, Co-Chair & Treasurer

David McCormack, Co-Chair

Roseanna Ovington, Officer

Regional Representatives:

  • Subud California Region, Theodore Richard Salisbury (Another rep is needed!)
  • Subud Rocky Mountains, Laurie Lathrop
  • Subud East Coast, Roseanna Ovington, Stefen Solat
  • Subud Midwest, Vanessa Nashold, David McCormack
  • Subud Pacific Northwest, Leonard Dixon (Another rep is needed!)
  • Subud South, (Reps needed!)
  • Subud Pacific Islands, Rosetta Narvaez